A Craps Story With A Point: A Visit From Sandtrap’s Aunt
SandtrapÂ’s only relative, aside from our children, is his Aunt Dot who lives in Texas. Once a year she comes to New Jersey to visit us as well as some other friends of hers, and loves to go to Atlantic City to play slots. During one of her visits we had planned to go to Atlantic City the same week Aunt Dot would be in southern New Jersey. We met Skinny on a Wednesday morning, and on early Thursday morning Sandtrap drove two hours to pick up his aunt so she could spend one day and night with us in Atlantic City.
Sandtrap was supposed to arrive back by 9:30am so we could get Aunt Dot a playerÂ’s card, and still have time to get to the craps table at 10am. Sandtrap called SkinnyÂ’s cell phone to say he was almost at the exit for Atlantic City, and he would call when he got to the Atlantic City Expressway so I would know when to look for them fifteen minutes later. Well, ten minutes later we found out Sandtrap not only missed the exit, but the next one also. (His aunt is a talker, and he got involved in her conversation.)
Sandtrap finally arrived forty minutes later with Aunt Dot in tow, and the dealers and boxman teased him unmercifully. They all knew the story of Sandtrap trying to find the boardwalk in order to go for a walk during another stay when we were at BallyÂ’s, and not finding it. For the rest of that day, every time the boxman saw Aunt Dot he would say, "DonÂ’t ask Sandtrap how to get to the boardwalk!" Or he would say, "Do you know where you are going, Sandtrap?"
Aunt Dot only plays slots, and wanted to see what we had been talking about regarding craps for three years. I was in the middle of a nice roll when Sandtrap arrived at the table. Aunt DotÂ’s initial reaction was, "Boy, you people sure play craps very slowly! I always thought this was a fast game." After my long roll, Aunt Dot wanted to know if I won any money, and Sandtrap assured her I had. When it was SandtrapÂ’s turn, I told her she couldnÂ’t talk to him while he was shooting. This also surprised her. Sandtrap also had a good roll, and Aunt Dot again asked if we made any money because she was nervous if we were losing. Sandtrap tried to explain the game to her, but she felt it was very confusing. When the Pit Boss came over to say hello to all of us, Aunt Dot asked him if he had any advice for her. His reply was, "DONÂ’T PLAY!" Everyone laughed!