Get An Advantage At Slot Pay – Here's A Firsthand Account Of A Slot Winner
Frank Scoblete's Advantage Slot Course is a Must!
From student Missouri Rick:
While driving home from the Casino Killer College weekend, I decided to stop at Ameristar in St. Louis to look around. Right inside the main entrance I found a set of the slot machines that where identified in the class as being playable with an advantage.
A quick glance showed that they were not yet in the "bonus mode." After walking around for about 30 minutes, I rechecked the two machines. Both were now being played by two very old gentlemen, and one machine was now well into the advantage play opportunity….
As soon as I resigned myself to watch this man win a large bonus, he ran out of credits and walked away. Other than video poker, I had never played a slot machine before in my life, but after the Casino Killer slot class, I was ready.
I quickly inserted my player's card and a five-dollar bill into this penny slot, knowing I was about to win my first jackpot. In less than two minutes the bonus kicked in, and I won $16.39. This net win of $11.39 in under two minutes was probably my most exciting time in a casino to date - especially knowing in advance that I was probably going to win!
I want to thank Frank Scoblete and the Dominator, as well as the two primary instructors - the Stickman and the Street Dog - for making this information available to myself and anyone else who wants to learn how to become an advantage slot player.
[Please note: The Casino Killer College course in Advantage Slot Machines will be given again in a very special way. Look for information right here. Some of these advantage machines are penny machines, some are quarter machines, some are dollar machines and some are five-dollar machines. All give the players a positive expectation!]